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COTI has a mission to apply its proprietary computer technology process to identify commercially viable drug candidates and develop them to the IND application stage. We use the in silico modeling techniques to develop drugs more quickly and economically than traditional drug development pathways.


Our vision is to become a world leader in drug discovery by identifying, researching and developing novel compounds for patients with debilitating and life threatening disorders where inadequate treatments are available. We will be instrumental in saving thousands of lives by enabling accelerated development of new treatment options. We will decrease the risk of drug development through in silico modeling and increase shareholder value by developing these candidates to IND and beyond.


COTI was formed in 1999 with the intention of marketing its drug discovery and molecular screening technology to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Other commercial opportunities that were identified included software design and support services for pharmaceutical companies looking to build in silico drug discovery in house. However, entrenched methodologies in the industry and internally developed drug development technologies within pharmaceutical companies made market penetration difficult. In 2000, COTI turned to developing its own molecule discoveries into drugs. Currently, three drugs have been patented, and two have been synthesized and tested in vitro and in vivo and several others are awaiting funds in order to patent and develop the compounds.

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Critical Outcome Technologies Inc., © 2000-2001. All rights reserved.